We have two completely separate hatcheries. One for our own stock and the other for purchased eggs. The incubators are modern multistage setters with modern forced draught hatchers which are professionally maintained and have generator back up.
We hatch on a Monday and Tuesday and delivery of chicks is by dedicated chick trailer. We also have a legally required macerator and incinerator for all hatchery waste.
The laying hens produce eggs in large covered sectional grass pens in a ration of 75 hens to 9 cocks.
We normally pen 6000 hens which are vaccinated for Newcastles Disease, Egg Drop Syndrome and Infectious Bronchitis. The hens are also treated for lice at penning time and then are monitored by Liverpool University for mycoplasma.
Eggs are washed in a Bristol egg washer and then dipped in an egg disinfectant before grading and cooling down in the temperature controlled egg store. Swabs are regularly taken of hatchery surfaces to monitor contamination and biosecurity which is adhered to strictly.
We can supply our own ring necks along with Redleg and Grey partridge chicks and can accommodate large or small orders.